Persion Ironwood

Persion Ironwood

Persian Ironwood Parrotia persica A good tree, a tree that should do well in Keizer. Description Persian Ironwood is best known for its fantastic pumpkin yellow fall foliage and red winter flowers which appear before the foliage appears. The bark of Persian Ironwood...
Phoenix Hybrid Maple

Phoenix Hybrid Maple

Phoenix Hybrid Maple Acer x conspicuum ‘Phoenix’ A good tree, a tree that should do well in Keizer. Description It is a small shrub or an upright tree. The stems are a fiery red in the winter, and striped with white. It is also a creamy salmon in the...
Pink Heartbreaker Weeping Redbud

Pink Heartbreaker Weeping Redbud

Pink Heartbreaker Weeping Redbud Cercis canadensis ‘Pink Heartbreaker’ A good tree, a tree that should do well in Keizer. Description The Pink Heartbreaker Weeping Redbud is a broadleaf deciduous tree with a bowing or ‘weeping’ habit. The...
Princeton Sentry Maidenhair Tree

Princeton Sentry Maidenhair Tree

‘Princeton Sentry’ Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba ‘Princeton Sentry’ A superior tree. It can be expected to perform very well in Keizer. Description This male cultivar of Ginkgo is practically pestfree, resistant to storm damage, and casts light...
‘Purpea Pendula’ European Beech

‘Purpea Pendula’ European Beech

‘Purpurea Pendula’ European Beech Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea Pendula’ An average tree for the climate of Keizer, Oregon. Description Purple Fountain European Beech is more of a shrub than a tree, growing to about 10 feet tall. Branches normally...