Goldenrain Tree

Koelreuteria paniculata

A superior tree. Can be expected to perform well in Keizer.


Deciduous (loses leaves over winter).  Spreading tree, usually low-branched, eventually having a broadly rounded, symmetrical crown, becoming globose to broad-spreading.  Moderate growth rate to 30 feet tall and 35 feet wide. Large pinnately to bipinnately compound leaves 6 to 18 inches long, with individual leaflets 1 to 4 inches long, bright green, inconsistently yellow to golden orange in fall.  Flowers small to ½ inch wide, profuse in large panicles, bright yellow, in summer.


Fruit is 2 inch long papery seed capsule, greenish becoming light brown, providing second show of color in late summer.  Trees look as if decorated with tiny Chinese lanterns.  Widely adapted to most soils, heat, wind, and drought. Flower when few other trees do.

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