Colrigo Giant Pacific Dogwood
Cornus nuttallii ‘Colrigo Giant’

A good tree. Can be expected to do well in Keizer when planted well.
Deciduous (loses leaves over winter). This is a vigorous, upright cultivar (variety) of our native Pacific dogwood. Colrigo Giant grows to 50 feet tall and 20 feet wide. Leaves are medium to dark green, oval, pointed, 3 to 6 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide with parallel veins. “Flowers” with 6 bracts (“petals”) are large, to 8 inches wide, bracts white. Tiny purple-green flowers are in a dense small cluster encircled by bracts. Flowers mid-April to late May. It may also flower in fall, late August to October. The original tree of this cultivar was found in Columbia River Gorge, thus name Colrigo.
Trunk strong. Small red fruit in clusters in fall. Can have brilliant shades of yellow to reddish fall leaf color. Dislikes heavy soils and is best on those that are acid to neutral, most common among Keizer soils. Best planted in open areas with excellent air circulation to minimize potential disease problems.